100 Ton (MOQ)

Business Type Supplier

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Location India ( Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu)


Stevia leaves have functional and sensory properties superior to those of many other high potency sweeteners. Stevia is likely to become a major source of high potency sweetener for the growing natural food market in the future. Although Stevia can be helpful to anyone, there are certain groups who are more likely to benefit from its remarkable sweetening potential. These include diabetics, those interested in decreasing caloric intake, and children. (Ssp group)


ALOEVERA VARIETY : Aloebarbadensis miller.



Stevia rebaudiana is a small perennial growing up to 65-80 cm tall, with sessile, oppositely arranged leaves. Different species of Stevia contain several potential sweetening compounds, with Stevia rebaudiana being the sweetest of all. Stevia is a semi-humid subtropical plant that can be grown easily like any other vegetable crop even in the kitchen garden. The soil should be in the pH range of 6.5- 7.5; well-drained red soil and sandy loam soil.



Stevia is been successfully cultivated in the recent years at many areas of Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Orissa. (Ssp group) The increasing demands for natural sweeteners have driven the farmers in India for Stevia cultivation in large scale.



Diterpene Glycoside is the group of natural sweeteners that have been extracted from Stevia. The leaves of wild Stevia plants contain 0.3 % dulcoside, 0.6% rebaudioside C, 3.8rebaudiosideA and 9.1 % Steviosides.



Stevia is safe for diabetics, as it does, not affect blood sugar levels. Stevia does not have the neurological or renal side effects of some of the artificial sweeteners. Stevia possess anti-fungal and anti-bacterial property also in addition to its other versatile uses. It can be safely used in herbal medicines, tonics for diabetic patients and


Also in the daily usage products like mouthwashes, and tooth pastes. Mild Stevia leaf tea offers excellent relief for an upset stomach Brief Investment:


100 kg of Stevia extract can be processed into 8-12 kg of final product (white sugar) which is 8-12%, the final product is called Steviosides"



  • Stevia growing first harvesting practical training.
  • First production starts in 4 month.
  • Plantation cost is to be borne only once and then for next 5 yrs yield can be extracted.
  • This includes Supervision, consultancy, guidance, Transportation cost first year.
  • Buy back of Agreement of Stevia dry leaf. (Ssp group)



  • For 1 Acre plantation the cost of Plants Rs. 1,20,000/- out of which 50% i.e. Rs. 60, 000/- has to be paid before the cultivation and the remaining half after the planting is done.
  • The Buy Back Agreement Stamp paper of Rs.100/- has to be stamped by District Court of your area.
  • For 10 Acre or more yield the buy Back Agreement Stamp Paper will be of Rs.500/-.


Distance (in acre) Sapling (in land) Cost (per plant) Total Fertilizer Cost of cultivation
1*1 ft 40,000 plants 3.5/- Rs. 40,000*3.5 = 1,40,000/- 20000 1,60,000/-
Total Expenses: 1,60,000/-



Income of year Total leaves(per year) Company buy back(per kg) Total
1ST YEAR 500kg 100Rs 100*2500 = Rs.2,50,000/-
2nd YEAR 600kg 100Rs 100*2500 = Rs.2,50,000/-
3rd YEAR 700kg 100Rs 100*2500 = Rs.2,50,000/-
4th YEAR 600kg 100Rs 100*2500 = Rs.2,50,000/-
5th YEAR 500kg 100Rs 100*2500 = Rs.2,50,000/-
Total 5 years income = 12,50,000/-

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